Description the 6s3p 63 highfrequency triode is designed for amplification of highfrequency voltage. Tungsol 5687 7119 jan milspec tubes, matched pair, tested. It has the same electrical characteristics as the ecc83 12ax7 except the pin out is different. Tube type selector switch filament potentiometers socket letter press notations data source a b l r 00a 5. The data sheet makes it clear that for maximum life the heater voltage should remain within 5% of the 6. After 30 years, the electronics industry changed rapidly, thus not having the most uptodate symbols. List of vacuum tubes project gutenberg selfpublishing.
May 23, 2020 vacuum tube numbering schemes, list of vacuum tubes. According to the philips data book 1963 the e283cc valve. Tube components datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for integrated circuits ic, semiconductors and other electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors and diodes. Herein you will find a collection of vintage engineering texts, vacuum tube datasheets, and other obsolete information, presented free of charge and without annoying advertisements. Tube components datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for integrated circuits ic. This is a list of vacuum tubes or thermionic valves, and lowpressure gasfilled tubes, or discharge tubes. Amazingly, any nos tube still meets all that data after 50 years. This is a list of european mullardphilips vacuum tubes and their american equivalents. I177 series tube tester settings data antique airwaves.
Really really dumb question about testing the 83 in my tube tester 8. Tube test data for use with the tube testers i177, i177a, and i177b note f. E188cc7308 separate cathodes, dual triode for use as rfif af amplifier. Most postwar european thermionic valve vacuum tube manufacturers have used the mullardphilips tube designation naming scheme. E283cc special quality long life double triode components datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for. The underscore and these letters are not part of the tube type number. The thin glass tube envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the b9a base. Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. The only difference compared to a vintage brimar is a slightly higher peak inverse voltage at 1400v in stead of 50v for the 54. The e182cc was designed with both an antimicrophonic construction and with two matched triodes within the envelope. The e283cc is a special quality audio double triode.
Oct, 2005 i have a couple of questions about the 5687 tube. Valves still in production or stock for revalving are not listed here. This is the amalgamated data from three mullard data books from the late 20s to late 30s. The 6s3p highfrequency triodes is are miniature devices enclosed in glass bulb and are provided with a ninepin base and an indirectly heated oxidecoated cathode. Special quality variants may have the letters sq appended, or the device description letters may be swapped with the numerals e. Many industrial, military or otherwise professional tubes were also produced. Hello i have a matched pair of matched pair of 1950s milspec tungsol 5687 tubes for sale. E283cc dual triode studer j37 different pinout than a 12ax7, but is electrically. This is sometimes because of mistake or carelessness in creating the setup data, and sometimes due to design limitations of the test circuit one fixed signal voltage that is substandard for a particular tube, or a fixed platescreen voltage that is. Retma is the acronym for the radio electronic television manufacturers association formed in 1953, originally the rma, later rtma, then eia electronic industries association, since 1997 electronic industries alliance however the standard itself had already been in use for a long time before 1953. For example, my amp uses 2 5687s, 6 6922s, and 8 kt88s.
The amplification factor mu is, like the ecc83, 100. Barczynski, who offered me a lot of diskspace online, i can put all my datasheets on the web. The transposition of the letters and numbers was the mullard way of designating a special quality product. An adaptor is available so it can be accommodated in place of. Hence, if you tested them in your tube tester using e283cc settings, you would have concluded that the tubes were shorted and defective, and you would have discarded valuable nos 12ax7a audio tubes. E283cc dual triode studer j37 different pinout than a 12ax7, but is electrically equivalent to a 12ax7 6. I would not recommend using this book as your main reference for schematic symbols. The e182cc was an extra special quality version of the e82cc which was itself a special quality version of the popular ecc82. Factory setup data often provides a substandard operating point for the tube in question. I believe it covers all the valves mullard made for domestic receivers between 1925 and 1937. These tubes have black plates, double bar d getters and 1955 d. Each of the corresponding pins between the two tubes make very different connections within the tube and thus you would never want to swap one for the other, even though they would fit. Transmitting tubes rectifiers specialpurpose diodes. Best regards and please do not read this message as flaming the other posters i have recently repaired another piece of gear which did not like the sub it was a cdplayer with 6922 output stage, and its owner had upon magazine recommendation and.
They run extremely hot, making me think they may have a shorter life span. Basing diagrams discontinued codes distributor listing numerical page code 244 a 245a 246a 247a 249b 251a 252a 253a 254a 254b 255b 256a 257a 258b 259a 259b 262b 264c 266b 266c 267b 268a 269a 270a 271a 272a 274a 274b 275a 276a. Russian 6p3s, 6p3se 6n3c, 6n3ce general tetrode, used in output stages of low frequency amplifiers. It is commonly assumed that the russian 54 5u4s rectifier is equal to the western 5z4g, and its true. An el84 and a 12ax7 both have the same pin arrangement and thus would fit in the same socket. The mutual conductance values listed are averages for new tubes and only for a guide.
Ac2 triode for use as af amplifier or as oscillator together with an ah1. Instead you better read the original fact sheet, also called datasheet. Tube e 80cc or rohre e80cc id4042, double triode, noval, b9a and universal shown. I was hoping to get that sort of information out of this book, but came disappointed. Preamp tubes nos and like new the best of the best. This is done in case of equal tube type numbers for different tubes. Before the advent of semiconductor devices, thousands of tube types were used in consumer electronics.
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